Istoric şi militant unionist bucovinean, membru al comitetului de organizare a Adunării Naţionale de la Cernăuţi care a hotărât Unirea cu România, în cadrul căruia a redactat Actul Unirii. Profesor la Universităţile din Viena şi Cernăuţi, rector al Universităţii din Cernăuţi, profesor universitar la Bucureşti, membru al Academiei Române (1911), director al Bibliotecii Academiei Române, fruntaş al Partidului Naţional Liberal, fost ministru de stat, reprezentând Bucovina, apoi, succesiv, ministru al Lucrărilor Publice, al Muncii şi, în final, al Cultelor şi Artelor.
Arestat la 5/6 mai 1950, a fost internat la Sighet pe timp de 24 luni, încadrat ulterior în Decizia M.A.I. nr.334/1951; pedeapsa majorată cu 60 luni, prin Decizia M.A.I. nr. 559/1953. Eliberat la 5 iulie 1955.
Historian and militant for the union of Bukowina with Romania, member of the Organising Committee of the National Assembly at Czernowitz, who decided the union with Romania and passed and drew up the Act of Union. Professor at the universities of Vienna and Czernowitz, rector of the University of Czernowitz, university professor in Bucharest, member of the Romanian Academy (1911), director of the Library of the Romanian Academy, leader of the National Liberal Party, former minister of state, representing Bukowina and then Minister of Public Works, of Labour, and, finally, of Religions and Arts.
Arrested on 5/6 May 1950, he was interned at Sighet for twenty-four months, later mentioned in MAI Decision no. 334/1951; sentence increased by sixty months, upon MAI Decision no. 559/1953. Released on 5 July 1955.