International conference organised in co-operation with the PEN Center of Romania at the Sighet Museum of the Memorial of Victims and Resistance to Communism.
Among the participating Romanian and foreign personalities were Thomas von Vegesack (Vice-president of PEN International), Jane Spender (International Secretary), Mihai Creanga, Victor Frunza, Alenka Puhar, Jose Augusto Seabra, Csicsery Ronay-Istvan, Hubay Miklos, Eugenius Ignatavicius, Annie Bentoiu, Micaela Ghitescu, Gabriela Adamesteanu, Doina Uricariu, Nicolae Balota, Mircea Martin, Nicolae Prelipceanu, Denisa Comanescu, Gálfalvy Zsolt, Romulus Rusan, Ana Blandiana.