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Sighet Summer School: 4th Edition, 2001

posted in: Summer school

Şcoala de vară 2001The 4th edition, in July 2001, had a double contest theme: “The family I want to live in” and “What is the source of extremism”. The new rector of the School was Stephane Courtois, the main author of the famous “Black book of communism”. The International Center for Studies about Communism and Civic Academy Foundation had had contacts with him as early as 1998, when a group of researchers coordinated by Romulus Rusan drawn up the Addenda of the “Black book” and the map of the Gulag (both published in Romanian, first out of the 26 that will finally add). Courtois’s acquaintance with the pupils increased even more the degree of communication of the School, that gathered prestigious names this year also (among these pshycho-drama actors from Oslo like Wenche Elena Medboe and Bernhard Halle), and also academician Alexandru Zub, Mircea Carp, Ion Caramitru, essay-writer Michel Thomas Penette, leader of the Council of Europe project “European Itineraries”, the professors Anatol Petrencu and Eugenia Bulat from Chisinau, Ioana Voicu-Arnautoiu, daughter of Toma Arnautoiu, Andrei Ursu, son of dissident Gheorghe Ursu, professor Sanda Golopentia from USA, daughter of sociologist Anton Golopentia, Christian Mititelu, director of BBC radio in Romanian, professor Serban Radulescu-Zoner, Romulus Rusan and Ana Blandiana. One session was dedicated to discussions between the “seniors” of the Summer School of previous years, and another to the debate of Bessarabian pupils on the circumstances of culture in their country.