- Stephane Courtois: Memorialul crimelor comunismului
- Dr. Gheorghe Nandriş, Comucidul sovietic
- Cătălin Nedelcu, O altfel de Elisabeta Rizea
- Iuliana Preduţ Constantinescu, Speranţe încătuşate
- The Geography and Chronology of the Romanian Gulag
- A School for Remembrance: The Memorial to the Victims of Communism and to the Resistance
- Appeal for Romania
- The Memorial School
- Demands made in the name of Civil Society for a Trial of Communism
- Resolution concerning the sentencing of the communism crimes
- The Public Opinion wants the Process of Communism
- Census of the concentration camp population in Romania, 1945-1989 (preliminary data)
- Stéphane Courtois: Le Mémorial des Crimes Communistes
- Sighet une experience de modestie
- Une École de la Mémoire: Le Mémorial des Victimes du Communisme et de la Résistance
- Addendum au Livre Noire du Communism
- Stephane Courtois: Onoarea pierdută a stângii europene
- Vladimir Bukovski. Sistemul dublelor structuri, dublului limbaj, dublei conştiinţe
- Vladimir Bukovski. Spre deosebire de nazism, comunismul nu a fost dezmembrat, liderii nu au fost judecaţi, iar arhivele au rămas secrete
posted in: Trial of communism